Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not All Quotes are Designed to Inspire

Famous quotes are used for a variety of purposes. Many quotes elicit emotion, create inspiration and motivate people to action. Other quotes are designed to enflame passions or gather up support.

In New York City, there are a few infamous quotes we hear almost every time we walk down the street or hop onto the Subway. These quotes are usually not found in books and can sometimes carry a subtle threat.

On the subway system for instance, many of us enjoy the mono-toned and bored delivery of the candy bar salesperson. It goes something like this: “I am NOT a criminal, I am selling these candy bars so I don't have steal from you.”

Now that’s true salesmanship -- Who can walk away from a sales pitch like that? Buy some candy so I won’t be forced to whack you on the noggin with an armor-plated Kit Kat bar.

Famous quote number two is actually a question. There are sets of young men in their 20’s standing back to back in several areas around the city carrying clipboards. They leap out at people and ask, “Do you have a moment for gay rights?”

The best reactions come from the conservative older women who do a stutter step and an ankle-breaking maneuver around their opponent that would leave any NFL running back green with envy.

The “deer in the headlight,” reactions are priceless. Some people stammer and others just slightly nod their heads as the young men break into their well-practiced spiel. Some people get nervous and try to explain why they have someplace else to be while beads of persperation break out onto their foreheads.

Another quote is one that portrays a starling honesty that prompts you to reach for your wallet at the same time you start shaking your head. Some of the most successful homeless people in New York are the ones that practice this entertaining breed of honesty. Their written and spoken quote is, “Why lie, I need a beer.”

This approach takes away the scam aspect. New Yorkers are very accepting of this particular approach and seem much happier to know where their money is actually going to be spent.

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